
WOW Game --No Flying Decision World Of Warcraft Outraged From Blizzard

Several days ago, the wow official  Blizzard said WOD will have no feature flying in zones again. And this thinking could be carried on over to future expansions as well. This makes players are so upset and we can also see a lots of voice on the offical world of warcraft forun about the cancellation. ( Get cheaply and fastly wow gold place: http://www.buy4games.com/category/67-wow-gold.aspx 
Blizzard this act also leads the blizzard WOW subscribers dropped a lot around 3 Million recently. Lots of players are very very agngered about that and believe this decision is not wise.
The players who update claimed that with flying, they get to explore new areas. In fact there used to be quests in the game that could only be completed by having a flying mount. Let’s not forget there are also plenty of players who have spent countless hours farming for rare flying mounts only to not be able to use them as intended (at least as far as Warlords of Draenor zones are concerned).
Also some world of warcraft gamers who is fine with no flying. In fact some claim that this allowed them to enjoy the game . In any case what do you guys make of this issue? 
do you think that this is a very bad decision from WOW Blizzard?
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